Complete Physiotherapy & Men’s Health


Owned and operated by Dr Jo & Dean Milios, Complete Physiotherapy offers a wide-range of physiotherapy treatment options to the entire community and has been proudly doing so for over 28 years.  We operate 6 days per week and have an extensive exercise- based rehabilitation focus, to compliment our hands on treatment at  3 convenient locations north, central & south of the river.

Also recently joining our team is Rebekah Taylor, Women’s & Men’s Pelvic health Specialist , who offers a range of  physiotherapy services for pregnancy, pelvic floor dysfunction, breast feeding and scar tissue management  as well as Men’s Health physiotherapy needs. 

We are also excited to have the additional expertise of  MSK PT Mia Royce who is also providing  additional expertise in Pilates , at our newest  clinic at 4 Antony Healthcare in Palmyra. Click on ‘PHYSIO” tab to learn more about what Rebekah ,Mia  & Jo are offering at PALMYRA.



For everyday physiotherapy needs, we provide thorough assessments, treatment plans and home rehabilitation programs to ensure your health concerns are dealt with efficiently and maximise recovery in the shortest possible time frame. In addition we have specialised Yoga & Pilates programs, which are  offered either ”one on one” or in groups- the choice is yours!

Available through our practice are the following treatment options :

We have clinics in Carine, Palmyra and West Leederville and  in addition to musculoskeletal physiotherapy, provide a specialist Men’s Health service. 
To book an appointment, please call us on 9203 7070 and one of our caring staff will look after you. For more information on the classes we run at our clinics, please go to our Class Timetables page.


If you are recovering from prostate cancer or suffering from other related men’s health problems that affect the bladder, bowel, pelvis or sexual function, such as chronic pelvic pain [Pudendal Neuralgia], incontinence, erectile dysfunction , Peyronie’s Disease or other sexual health problems our Men’s Health program provides a range of Physiotherapy treatment options. We work in close  collaboration with Urologists, Sexual Health Physicians, Psychologists and Exercise Physiologists to assist in your recovery and achieve improved outcomes. Much of our Men’s Health service is based on evidence Jo has  gathered in her recently completed PhD studies and  her published papers on her work in pelvic floor muscle training and Peyronie’s disease are now available.  

Simply phone 9203 7070 or email us at : for enquiries


Dr Jo Milios has recently completed PhD studies at the University of Western Australia in 2019 and her work in continence and sexual function management in men undergoing surgery for prostate cancer have recently been published in academic journals. Read the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia’s review here:  PCFA Dr Jo Milios (PhD) pelvic-floor-blog-dec-2019

In addition, the use of therapeutic ultrasound in Peyronie’s disease (curvature of the penis) formed part of Jo’s thesis which Jo is now offering treatment. A recent addition of Low Intensity Focal Shock Wave Therapy is also available.  

CLINICAL EDUCATION:  Jo has several on-line courses available for ongoing purchase: 

  1. Via Medbrigde USA ( Recorded 2.5 hour webinar) Copy & Open link:

       2.   Via APTA USA :”The Nuts & Bolts of Prostate  Cancer”

              (2.5 hour course)  Copy & Open Link:                                           

CHARITY: PROST! Exercise 4 Prostate

In 2012, PROST! EXERCISE 4 PROSTATE CANCER Inc was established by Jo, in recognition of the large gaps in services provided for men dealing with Prostate cancer. For  more details about the PROST! exercise program, visit the PROST! website at Meanwhile, a Yoga DVD was designed and funded by PROST! to assist in the promotion of men”s health generally and can be accessed here, with 100% profit dedicated to the PROST! inc not- for- profit charity. 

YOGA DVDs: For those new to Yoga or keen for a safe approach, in either DVD or USB format, by Dr Jo Milios.

To purchase a JOGA!  DVD we have two safe  options:  — JOGA! 4 MEN or JOGA! 4 ALL.

NEW PROST! Exercise 4 Prostate evidenced-based program now available in USB format containing a complete exercise program of cardio, resistance, free weights, Pilates and Yoga-based stretching approaches, with detailed manuals of explanation for the everyday man, Support group leaders or clinincians. The PhD of PROST! founder, Dr Jo Milios is also included in ‘The Clinician’s’ resource which provides published papers exploring the role of pelvic floor muscle training for the resolution of Urinary Incontinence, Erectile Dysfunction in Prostate Cancer.

Purchase from our Online Store for a physiotherapy, & Pilates based Yoga practice!


DVD COVER 150 X 150
              ALL 200 x 200              

